Grandma & Jackson

Grandma & Jackson
Grandma & Jackson!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Struggling with 2 gmail accounts

My dilemma today is trying to get all of my tools for this class under one gmail account.  As I fumbled through at the beginning I didn't realize my school gmail account was for my blog and my personal gmail account was for my RSS and Wiki.  I tried having two administrators but I am afraid to delete the one as they suggested I could.  I also tried signing up for being able to switch between the two with no apparant luck.  Any tips out there?

1 comment:

  1. My initial idea would be to decide which one would take the least effort to redo, and set it up again on the other account. I also have to google accounts, and I usually don't have much trouble switching between the two. You might just decide to leave it be and deal with having to sign out and in when you switch between the blog and the RSS. If I recall correctly the wiki shouldn't be attached to a google account at all, just an email address, which shouldn't cause any issue for you.

