Grandma & Jackson

Grandma & Jackson
Grandma & Jackson!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Google Maps & Grocery Shopping

I would like my Cooking 101 students to spend a day in the lab researching the cost of grocery shopping based on:  how far away the store is, the price of gas, and the sales available in that weeks ad.  Students could start by following the link below to the Google Map I have created and find the distance to any 4 main grocery stores that their family prefers to shop, possibly Family Fare, Meijer, Aldi and Target.  They they could find the distance from their house for each and find out what the current price of gas is.  They could ask their parent/guardian what the gas mileage is for the car that mostly drives to the store and figure the cost per trip for each store.  Then I would have them type out some discussion question such as:  Why would it be better to make a shopping list and buy groceries once a week compared to running out whenever you need something?  Why would it be good to look at all store ads before planning grocery shopping list?  Does you parent/guardian drive by these stores on the way to or from work?  How could this make a difference?  Does your family think shopping at Walmart, Costco or GFS is beneficial?  Why or why not?  The next day we would have a discussion concerning the information they gathered.

View Grocery Shops near Jenison

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