Grandma & Jackson

Grandma & Jackson
Grandma & Jackson!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Great Podcast for Internet Safety Education

I found a great Education-focused Podcast from a site called Internet Safety Project to keep me up to date on Internet Safety issues.   The Internet Safety Project is a non-profit venture at Brigham Young University dedicated to educating parents, teachers, and teens about the benefits and risks of technology. Their goal is to make solutions to technical issues accessible in an educational, entertaining, and useful way.

I lead a club at the junior high called the K.I.K. Club.  (Kids Impacting Kids)  It is very similar to a S.A.D.D. chapter.  The K.I.K. club memebers run a one week long Interenet Safety Campaign each year.  I'm sure I will be able to glean some good information from this Podcast subscription.   To understand the mission of this website check out their Home Page at:

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